Why ThinkDeepSwimGood?

Why ThinkDeepSwimGood?

Why Think Deep, Swim Good?

To keep it completely transparent, i have absolute no clue about the clothing industry. I am just simply sick of hearing about close ones struggling in silence, phone calls from loved ones telling me they tried to end their existence and that they feel a burden to those around them. I believe opening up and expressing yourself is an essential start to getting on the right path to improving your mental health.
I see clothing as a form of expression, an opportunity to connect with another human without doing what is very difficult for some people... speaking. Linking the two together, high quality garments and conversation. Opening up, expressing who you are through fashion and eventually through words.
Revealing your vulnerabilities and showing your pain will only make you stronger, it will also bring to you people with a similar outlook and give you community. Community is everything, a genuine group of people who really do care about you will take you (and them) a very very long way. Find meaning in the little moments within your community, the coffees, the walks, the shared interests and the new hobby's.
Begin to appreciate the Moments In between, don't forget to take a look around and enjoy the amazing times when you are in them.
Big Love,



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